Tuesday, June 3, 2008

It's Summertime!

Summer is finally here! Bianca got out of school at Noon. She wasnt home 10 minutes and the phone starting rining. Friends calling to already make plans. We picked up one her friends, got some Sonic for lunch and headed to the pool for a few hours. Got home, ordered some pizza and then some neighbors stopped over to play too. Now Bianca is out to dinner with the neighbors. Thursday she is going to Keller Pointe and spending the night with another friend. I hope this not indication what the rest of the summer is going to be like. She's already making plans of what she wants to do next week. She wants to go spend her Birthday money at the mall and go see a movie with a friend. Yikes. She is really starting to mature and becoming alot more independent. Next thing you know she will want to go the pool with her friends by herself, UMM not going to happen anytime soon! LOL