Today was absolutely beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and in the 70's.
We got up early and got the house ready for the housekeeper. Yes I actually clean before they come?? LOL. I try and have everything picked up so all they have to concentrate on is deep cleaning and not pickup up our stuff and clutter. I dont have too much clutter anyway. Some say I'm probably wasteful, but I hate clutter and just throw stuff out. (not actually throw out, if it's in decent shape I usually take it to Goodwill or something). I left 2 bags full of boys clothes for the cleaning lady's today for their children. They each have 4 kids! I used to ebay both Bianca's and Matthew's clothes but I just dont have the time anymore and I feel much better giving them to people who really need them. They were probably pleasantly surpised when they opened them bags 2 GAP jackets, 2 Gymboree Jackets and bag full of Ralph Lauren, GAP and Old Navy boys size 2-3 clothes. Yes I am a clothes FREAK! I always have been. People wonder where Bianca get's it from!? :-)
We then went to IHOP for breakfast. The kids tried the new Horton Hears a Who breafast which consisted of Who Pancakes,Green eggs and Ham! We then dropped Jerry off to play Golf with his business partner. The kids and I then went to the retirement home to visit my grandmother for a bit. We then headed home but then decided Ice cream sounded good, so we went to get some :-)
Jerry got home about 5PM and then we went out to dinner and Baja Grill and I had a HUGE Margarita. We dont usually eat out twice a day but I just did not feel like dirtying my freshly clean kitchen.
Tomorrow we are having company for dinner. I'm still trying to figure out what to make. I'll probably deal with that later. Matthew was so tired. He crashed out at 7:30 PM tonight. It's going to be a nice quiet evening, LOL :-)