Both kids had "Meet The Teacher" nights last week. Bianca's 3 teacher team is ok, she would have like to have another "team" but only time will tell how this year will go. She was actually excited to go back. I think the summer was a bit long for her. She couldnt sleep last night though!, LOL. She is in 6th and they are the "seniors" of the intermediate school so she did not even care. Next year will be whole different story with middle school.
I think Matthew was oblivious to the whole "kindergarten" thing. He was in preschool and I really think he thought he was going back there, LOL. He was so excited this morning, put on his backpack, took pictures,etc. We got to school and all the kids had to go to the gym an line up by class. It was the moment we entered the gym that I think he finally understood. He had a look of terror on his face and was holding my hand so tight. I made him sit with his class. He looked straight ahead and did not crack a smile for about 5 minutes. He was like a deer in headlights. Then the little boy in front him started to talk to him and he loosened up some. They then took them to their class. It was so hard to hold back the tears but I did not want him to see me cry because it would make him more anxious.
So hear I am sitting in the quiet house, drinking my coffee. I cannot believe both kids are in school now. My Birthday is this Friday and I will be over the mid-thirty hump and it's a little depressing but nothing that night out with the girls won't cure :-)

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