Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

With all the work that goes into the holidays I sometimes have to stop and remember what the true meaning of these holidays. We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle and tend to forget. I know I do. I'm so guilty of trying to get everything perfect, the food, the house, the presents, the wrapping, the Christmas cards and pictures, etc. Sometime I need a timeout and take a breather. But that is the obsessive compulsiveness in me. I have vowed to not let it get to me this year. That is why I started my Christmas decorating early, LOL :-)

Now first and foremost I am so sad at the events that have taken place in India today. I work for predominantly Indian company and I hope and pray that each and every i2ers and their families are safe!

I have so much to be thankful for (not in any particular order):

1. My husband Jerry. I couldnt ask for a better husband. He is a great dad, works hard so we can go to Disneyland this Christmas.

2. My 2 children Bianca and Matthew. I cannot imagine my life without them.

3. My job. I know I complain about it a a lot, but I have it so good. I've been there 11 years. I work from home most of the time. I love the people I work with and they are the reason I've stayed so long. (It's definitely not the pay!)

4. My family - I am thankful I have my family and that they are close (well most of the time I like having them close by). Jerry's family is spread out on each coast and I know it is hard for him and I take it for granted sometime that mine are just a mile away.

5. I am thankful I live in the United States of America!

6. I am thankful we are all healthy!

7. I am thanful for my awesome neighbors!

8. Friends. I am thankful we have such great friends that we can count on especially the girls who I can call to go to happy hour when I need hard liquor!

I'm sure I'll think of some more and I'll post some pictures of the festivities tomorrow. We are cooking 3 turkeys! One roasted and 2 fried. This is for 22 people and everybody complains there is never enough leftovers for sandwiches so we made an extra turkey!

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