So on to my topic of digital scrapbooking. I love to scrapbook but I hate to say I am so far behind. I have hundreds maybe thousands of dollars invested in paper scrapbooking the problem is I hate the mess. It is so darn complicated to get everything out, get organized, scrap for a few hours and then put it all away. Anyone who knows me knows I'm anal about messes and could not stand to keep it out for any extended period of time. So I have not done it in a while. So I've been talking to my scrapbook buddies and we have been researching digital. Now again if anybody knows me this is so "me". I am so into everything paperless. People at work are amazed how much stuff I do not have on my desk. I hate clutter and I hate paper. So I've decided after Christmas I'm going to get started but now I have to decide how. Do I go the easy way and just get some easy programs like creative memories, scrapbook factor, lifeTimez or do I invest in Photoshop and really learn it? I'm not sure yet but I have to decide fast since I'm asking for this stuff for Christmas.
The funny part is now I have everybody else on the digital bandwagon and we are all going to do it. So I can just picture our scrapbook parties with wine and laptops. How cool is that? No huge boxes and bins to lug around! :-)
1 comment:
Anyone (even kids) can try out web based digital scrapbooking for free @ http://www.ScrapbookGenerator.com (no software, no cost, no signup, no mess). Simply upload a photograph, choose a basic layout and add some 3D WordArt.
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