Gotta love those tax refunds! I had a good time this weekend spending most of it :-)
Friday night was mommy and Matthew night. Bianca spent the evening with my mom and grandmother and Matthew and I went to Chili's for dinner (his favorite)and then to target so browse.
Saturday Bianca had a basketball game (they won, Yeah!) Then I was off on my shopping spree. I'm still trying to get my house done (see New Years Resolution post). We moved the leather sectional downstairs so far. I went to buy new coffee table yesterday because the room just did not look right with my rectangle table. I think with all the square and rectangle furniture it needed a round table. So I scored a deal at Haverty's. The table I picked out was acutally discontinued so they sold me the floor sample for $75 off and then I got the matching end table for only $100! I'm a bit disappointed because I love my rectangle table and I just got it a year ago at Thomasville. I guess I will put it in the new living room.
Then I was on a mission for a new TV stand. I went to 5 stores before finding one at Charter Furniture. So I bought it and then this morning Jerry and had a lightbulb moment and decided to keep the one we have from upstairs and just move it caddy corner. DUH! So I have to go return it, so that saves me $600!
Then I hit the mall for spring clothes for Matthew and Mommy. I cleaned out the kids closets this week and packed up the stuff that does not fit them anymore. So I got me some stuff at Macy's (shirts and spring sandals) and then GAP, Gymboree and Old Navy for Matthew. I was tempted to buy a new spring Coach but decided to wait until I tally up my damage :-) Next weekend I take Bianca which is always so much fun! She is at the age where she is getting into clothes. We have so much fun at Limited Too and Justice picking out clothes and accessories! :-)
Today, is Jerry's days since I was gone all day shopping yesterday. He is playing golf with his business partners and I'm taking the kids to do accessory shopping for the family room. I need a lamp, accessories for the new coffee table, and a new area rug. I did buy a new piece of art for above the fireplace. I got it off ebay. This artist was featured on Good Morning America and love her stuff. It's a signed original. I ended up just doing one for a buy it now. I was bidding on another one but I got outbid at $350. I was too impatient at trying another auction so just bought one.

I still have lots of stuff left to do though:
Family Room:
Move TV and stand from upstairs and family room should be done.
New Office:
Still need to repaint the new office, hang the new curtains and move the office furniture.
New Dining Room:
Buy new chandeleir and move the furniture. Should not need anything else
New Living Room:
move couch and sofa
buy 2 chairs
Will need some accessorizing
The Game Room is Jerry's so I have no idea what he has planned.
I think I will be painting next weekend!